I’ve actually already seen a few scenes from Shock Waves because its director, Ken Weiderhorn, had the cheek to sneak them into his later film, Eyes of a Stranger, where they play on a TV in the background (and sometimes foreground). Eyes of a Stranger is a pretty good slasher, and a favourite at AiP due to the fact that its heroine is an Anchorwoman In Peril. The clips from Shock Waves aren’t bad, either: the movie is obviously low budget but, even in miniature doses, some of its imagery looks quite striking.
The whole “underwater zombies” theme is one that has yet to be fully exploited by the genre, and yet it makes such sense. Where else do zombies – who don’t need to breathe, remember – have such a home-field advantage over their non-shambling human counterparts? I don’t know if Shock Waves features any underwater chase scenes, but I hope it does. If not, there’s always George Romero’s next film, reputed also to feature waterlogged zombies, to look forward to...
One more area of zombie-dom I've been thinking about... Do zombies shed skin?
Seriously, like if the world's dust is, like, 90% human epideral (sp?) matter, than would a person who survived a zombie holocaust be grateful they wouldn't have to do as much house cleaning?
I know, too much free time.
Shock Waves is awesome, and I'm glad you chose this one as an option. It's pretty amazing, claustrophobic and just plain creepy. I say go for it!
Also, do zombies need the toilet? I mean, they eat plenty of brains and stuff and, after all, what goes in...
Now you've gone and done it! I'll be thinking about this forever!
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